Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Something irksome this way comes...

My dear little sunspots, aren't you all just so very precious. Kisses and hugs to everyone.

While being irked today at work, I came up with a few more things that drive me absolutely up the wall. In short, a few things that drive me fucking bonkers.

Bonkers! Wherever you, wherever you, wherever you areeeeee! Bonkers!

1) A completely hot button issue is now in effect for the duration of point number 1.

My first point revolves around the whole gun debate (say it ain't so). I'll give fair warning that I am more pro-gun than anti-gun, so if that pisses you off I suggest compensating by NOT reading.

It is my opinion (uh-oh OPINIONS) that guns should never be completely outlawed, only restricted. It's a belief that I shouldn't have to defend yet constantly am forced to. To do things a different way, let me demonstrate my view by rebutting the normal anti-gun spiel.

If you outlaw guns then the vast majority of America will no longer have guns.

Simply brilliant. Yes, that is true. If guns are outlawed then any registered gun owner will have to turn in their weapons or face legal action. However, there will still be a plentiful amount of 'bullet monsters' roaming the street. How many guns do you think have got 'lost in translation' over the years? How many unregistered weapons are still milling around? How many people have access to a gun that has been passed through so many people that no one truly has the original registration?

What about the black market? If cocaine can be trafficked, so can guns. And do you know who will be buying those guns? Could it be Barney the Dinosaur? Maybe Helga from Hey Arnold?

Nope. Most likely criminals. Shocking!

Well, that's what the police are for, right? 

Have you ever met a crooked cop? Would you be shocked to know they exist? Have you ever timed a cop's response time, that is, if you can even get access to a phone? One minute can make the difference.

So what, right? I mean, you'll have the odd stray gun, maybe some criminals, and a few crooked cops. That's better than everyone.

Well, what about those gunsmiths. Oh, didn't know they existed? Yes sir/ma'am they do, especially around VA and WV. I even know one personally. There are people who make their own guns and some never took one measly class. Good luck tracking them down.

So what again? I mean, now you just add on a few happy gun-making wackos. Whatever. Not a big deal.

Does anyone stop to wonder why we have such an uproar about this?

Let's get hypothetical now. Okay, all guns are outlawed. Only the stragglers, black market dealing criminals, cops, and military are in possession. The number is way down. Let's check out our crime rates dealing with gun violence. Are they starting to decline? Probs. Defs. Yep. Well, that's good. Now what?

Are home invasions, carjacking, robberies, etc. still happening. Certainly. After all, remember this children:


Lovely. Now, remember that police response time once more and tell me you'll be safe and cozy once that criminal breaks into your home. He doesn't have a gun now? Well, great! He won't shoot me! That's awesome. Problem is I don't have anything to outdo him either. Sweet.

You will always have the advantage in your own home.

Really now? I'm a woman and as much as I'd like to proclaim my awesome-sauceness I'm just that, a woman. Now, I'm not saying women are weak. I'm just saying that the probability of me outdoing a man is slim, even if I'm fighting for my family. I'm not exactly Bruce Lee here.

There are other weapons at your disposal: mace, knives, lamps, tasers, etc.

This is true; however, here's my problem. I'd have to get fairly close with mace. That isn't something I'd like to do near a brute of a man/woman, even if it's pitch dark in my house. Even if I managed to get him/her, well, then I'm going to have a lumbering blind idiot in my house who is now staggering towards me and probably swinging their arms (they probably will have a weapon too). Knives, lamps, tasers are all things that could not get me the chance I need. 

I don't want to kill anyone but get real. I have a boyfriend. I have a son. Why would I ever want to risk their lives by trying to subdue a criminal instead of simply ending said criminal? Taking away my gun would give me a disadvantage I wouldn't want. Disagree all you want.

You'll shoot your own family members. Statistics prove it more likely.

I wonder why. Could it be because you are statistically more likely to be around your family than an intruder? No really? Go on with your bad self! I never claimed that there weren't idiots in the world.

These are all rare circumstances. You'll most likely never need a gun.

Again. This is true. But shouldn't I have the right...just in case?

How about the government? I seem to remember something about people being allowed to overthrow a government is said government is no longer acting in the best interests of her people. Too bad that if it ever came to it we'd be defenseless.

I know this all just pointless drivel. I know the pro-gun and anti-gun side will never get along. I also know that any of my answers would be battled vehemently by an anti-gun believer.

Ah, it's lovely.

2) Well, I'll save this for tomorrow! :)

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